Use the weekends to get sustainable at home

Use the weekends to get sustainable at home

Educating your family and making small changes around your home can significantly impact the environment over time. Here’s a list of simple, practical suggestions to help you make your home more eco-friendly. Many of these ideas are also great for involving kids and educating them about sustainability.

    Energy Conservation

  1. Switch to LED Bulbs: Replace your traditional bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs.

    – Teach your kids about energy consumption by comparing wattages of different bulb types.

  1. Unplug Devices: Unplug chargers and appliances when not in use.

– Make it a game for children to identify and unplug idle devices.

  1. Install a Programmable Thermostat: Control heating and cooling more efficiently.

    –  Discuss how energy is generated and why it’s essential to save it.

    Water Conservation

  1. Fix Leaky Taps: A small drip can waste a lot of water over time.

    –  Let children be the “leak detectives” for the day.

  1. Install Low-Flow Fixtures: Use low-flow faucets and showerheads to save water.

    –  Calculate the amount of water saved over a week and discuss its importance.

  1. Water Plants Early or Late: Water your garden early in the morning or late in the afternoon to reduce evaporation.

    – Let kids take turns watering plants at the optimal times.

    Waste Management

  1. Start Composting: Use kitchen waste to make compost.

    –  Allow kids to separate compostable items from the rubbish.

  1. Recycle Properly: Sort plastics, paper, and metal for recycling.

    –  Teach family members about the recycling symbols and what they mean.

  1. Buy in Bulk: Reduce packaging waste by buying in bulk.

    –  Let kids help in dividing bulk items into reusable containers at home.

    Eco-Friendly Products

  1. DIY Cleaning Supplies: Make your own eco-friendly cleaning products.

    –  Kids can help mix ingredients under supervision.

  1. Use Cloth Over Paper: Use cloth napkins and towels instead of paper ones.

    –  Calculate the amount of paper saved and relate it to the number of trees.

  1. Install Solar Lights: Use solar-powered lights for your garden or pathway.

    –  Discuss how solar energy works and its benefits.

    Sustainable Food Choices

  1. Local Produce: Buy local and seasonal produce to reduce carbon footprints.

    –  Let kids pick fruits and vegetables at a local food shop.

  1. Meal Planning: Plan meals to reduce food waste.

    –  Discuss the impact of food waste on the environment.

  1. Grow Your Own Herbs: Small herb gardens are easy to maintain.

    –  Kids can help with planting and watering.


  1. Bike or Walk: Use the car less for short trips.

    –  Family biking or walking trips can be both fun and educational.

  1. Car share: Share rides to reduce emissions.

    –  Discuss the concept of carbon footprints.

    Education & Advocacy

  1. Watch Documentaries: Spend a family movie night watching a documentary about oceans, space, and environments.

  1. Local Clean-Up: Participate in or organise a community clean-up.

    –  Children can help pick up recyclable materials.

  1. Share Information: Use social media to share sustainability tips.

    –  Older kids can help create and share posts.

By incorporating these changes, you can reduce your carbon footprint. Even small actions can make a big difference!